First of all. happy 17th birthday to darling! she turned 17 on 8th of jan. =S okay now i feel young. =x but nvm!
7th of jan!
went out with darling today! because she is going out with her another group of friends on the actual day. so i have the 7th to celebrate with her.! went to marina's jackplace for our lunch. it's quite alot for the 2 of us to finish. had the dory fish set lunch X 2 and the seafood basket.

the setlunch

the seafood basket. =D

chilli =D

soup. =D

dun take my pictures plox.

i look awfully awful here . while darling is beautifully beautiful!

okay. stop taking my pics!

this is the end of lunch. next up. deserts.
omg. it's really alot.
we spend quite long dere trying to finish the food. after that. we walked around. till it was time to meet darling's friends. pamela irene and benny . they organise a mini scaveger hunt for her ar. where she have to walk to and from marinasquare and suntec city. to find them to get her presents. quite fun la. haha. cause like she very excited. search search. till evening. we went newyorknewyowk for dinner!
haha. darling was very happy la. =x

the cute girl wishing. =x

i present to her my bouquet of candy floss. =x

like this also must pose

she roll all the candy floos into a ball. and force me to have it.

the cherry on the drinks

i dunno how to smile can..

i dunno how smile la!

haha! strawberriekisses! darling's blog add

censored =x

the cake

just like last last year in swensens. lol

group pic!
the things dere was even more filling then jackplace's. eat alot la. + the cake. only 3 people eating. i eat like. half of the cake i think. then soon there was a good fight la! cause i ate the chocolate cake. and with the chocolate. go lick darling's face. hahahahaha. so her face is chocolate covered. then she want revenge la. but i go irene dere. she dun dare come already. =D cause she make irene too.

she cute right! <3 her.
took a train home after wards.
8th of january.
did nothing much today in the morning but sleep. darling went out with her another group of friends to marina again. kbox. in the evening went down to esplanade to look for them. had dinner at thai express. had the green curry. it tastes good. =D then they keep embrassing me. so ma lu can.. no pics for tonight. =s after that. dear's friends left. and i brought darling to the place where we sat during new year countdown. talk talk with her la. haha. she so cute. =x gave her present. which she keeps trying to get in the resturant -_- then. she made me carry her from the place we sat till esplanade. but cannot la! i no strength. =x not she too heavy. dear dont scold me please. =x took the train home. and the end!
happy birthday once agian darling. haha. we will get past year 1,2,3 too bad ar. i wont treat you that meal. i love you!
7th of jan!
went out with darling today! because she is going out with her another group of friends on the actual day. so i have the 7th to celebrate with her.! went to marina's jackplace for our lunch. it's quite alot for the 2 of us to finish. had the dory fish set lunch X 2 and the seafood basket.

the setlunch

the seafood basket. =D

chilli =D

soup. =D

dun take my pictures plox.

i look awfully awful here . while darling is beautifully beautiful!

okay. stop taking my pics!

this is the end of lunch. next up. deserts.
omg. it's really alot.
we spend quite long dere trying to finish the food. after that. we walked around. till it was time to meet darling's friends. pamela irene and benny . they organise a mini scaveger hunt for her ar. where she have to walk to and from marinasquare and suntec city. to find them to get her presents. quite fun la. haha. cause like she very excited. search search. till evening. we went newyorknewyowk for dinner!
haha. darling was very happy la. =x

the cute girl wishing. =x

i present to her my bouquet of candy floss. =x

like this also must pose

she roll all the candy floos into a ball. and force me to have it.

the cherry on the drinks

i dunno how to smile can..

i dunno how smile la!

haha! strawberriekisses! darling's blog add

censored =x

the cake

just like last last year in swensens. lol

group pic!
the things dere was even more filling then jackplace's. eat alot la. + the cake. only 3 people eating. i eat like. half of the cake i think. then soon there was a good fight la! cause i ate the chocolate cake. and with the chocolate. go lick darling's face. hahahahaha. so her face is chocolate covered. then she want revenge la. but i go irene dere. she dun dare come already. =D cause she make irene too.

she cute right! <3 her.
took a train home after wards.
8th of january.
did nothing much today in the morning but sleep. darling went out with her another group of friends to marina again. kbox. in the evening went down to esplanade to look for them. had dinner at thai express. had the green curry. it tastes good. =D then they keep embrassing me. so ma lu can.. no pics for tonight. =s after that. dear's friends left. and i brought darling to the place where we sat during new year countdown. talk talk with her la. haha. she so cute. =x gave her present. which she keeps trying to get in the resturant -_- then. she made me carry her from the place we sat till esplanade. but cannot la! i no strength. =x not she too heavy. dear dont scold me please. =x took the train home. and the end!
happy birthday once agian darling. haha. we will get past year 1,2,3 too bad ar. i wont treat you that meal. i love you!