Saturday, July 29, 2006

I AM: Lim Li Wei,Nicol

I WANT: to past my o levels with flying colours.

I WISH: to have a good and stable job in the future

I HATE: being nagged at

I MISS: my friends and hmm.

I FEAR: that i won't be able to do well in my o'levels

I HEAR: Fen Lie - JayChou now

I WONDER: if i will ever get pass my o'levels successfully

I REGRET: not studying hard in the past years

I AM NOT: STUPID,just lazy

I COUNT: on myself when i am alone

I DANCE: when i am dreaming

I SING:when i am bored in class

I CRY: when i get scolded by my dad real worse >_>

I CALL: myself ahNIC

I WAIL: when i got scolded by my father

I AM NOT ALWAYS: that fierce looking

I WRITE:when i am told to

I CONFUSE: when i have to memorise maths,phy and chem things

I ANGRY:when people piss me off

I ROLL: around in my bed when i sleep

I KISS: no one for now. =x

I MOVE: around alot when in school

I SCRATCH: my face alot

I HUG: no one for now. -.-

I JOKE: to appear stupid so that others appear smarter. =D

I LAUGH: when i talk to who make me happy or when i am happy.

I NEED: my brothers =D

I SHOULD: work harder

I START: by revising and paying attention in class

I FINISH: by getting good results in my O's

I LOVE: my BROTHERS =) and that certain someone.? if only..

I REMEMBER: my happy memories and the sad ones too.

I TAG: whenever i feel like i want to.

okay done. =) fg asked me to do. so i tried it out yea. today nothing much rotted in home dota-ing. okay that's about it le ba. ta ta~

For the first time , and the last i guess. =)


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