anyway. the bdae boy. lol
haha. nothing much to do now. shall blog about when i first came into hyss till now ba.
sec 1 , 2003
the first day where i stepped into this school, i was late. lol. seriously. i was late on the first day to school. due to over crowding of the buses at the first day of school. hmm. reached school at around 8+ everyone was already standing up in that quadrangle singing the national anthem. and i so paiseh la. lol. had to stand dere while they were singing. saw some one i knew.. jessica. lol. then after which we went to join the rest of my soon to be friends in the quadrangle. walked down the row of 103 students. met my form teacher. mr chenxiaojun. the best chinese teacher i ever had. =D after that saw banghao. he was the only guy i knew in that whole class. omg. was wondering how lonely i am going to be in class. after the learning of the school song next, we were ushered to our class. 4th storey. lol. was weird la. was like i can only talk to banghao. and so we sat next to each other. and infront of me was lee chin how. haha. he was my first best friend in hyss. and i knew him but kicking his chair all the time till he got pissed? haha. buthe sure is a good guy la. he wont get angry so easily. next , behind me was chen jun ting. another great friend of mine. we knew each other by teasing other classmates.. rofl. and we tease him back by calling him 'dobby' yea. remember? harrypotter's elf? haha. and by the next month? i got to know most of my class mates like thomas , alda ,sheng fu they all la. haha. hang around mostly with chin how during recess. and we did nth much la. haha.. got changed to sit at the back of the class during mid year? and that's when i know thomas better. he is a pervert. just like me! lol. then me him and sf always talking about stupid stuffs in class la. then always disturb the lessons. i was even the vice class monitor then. rofl. anyway. i joined the NCC in sec 1. did not like it la. but have no choice. parents chose it. the first serious mistake i made in sec 1 was punching one of my brothers now. i did not know him well last time la. but did not know why did i puched him in his stomach. which cause my dad to come to school. haha. yes if you guys guessed it. he was taizhangkai. the famous big mouth.
hmm. other then that. sec 1 passes quite fast with me failing maths and alot of subjects and going to sec 206. =x
sec 2 , 2004
a new year in hyss. returned to school to play for another year. lol. was in class 206 as i did not study much. but it's alright. haha. met alot of new friends! like chua wenyang. haha. he is a damn funny joker who never fails to make teacher's blood boil or making us laugh. his funny hokkien jokes are really funny. lol. reached school every day at 6.20-6.30. i never knew why i went to school so early this year. lol. most probably because i am the key holder? another slacking year la..got promoted to lance coporal in NCC this year. lol. our form teacher was miss loh. but she retired from teaching now le. played alot of basketball this year wit peoplee from upper sec. and got to know some of them. towards the end of sec 2. got to know yvonne. she was from my primary school de. and we were once together la. so we got together again at the end of sec 2.
alright la. sec 2 nothing much to blog. cause i forgot alot le =x
sec 3 , 2005
did not do well for sec 2 streaming. so went to sec 3e6. i did not regret coming into this class. start of the year. went to sit with john , andrew and gl. my best friends at that point of time. form teacher was ms toh. hmmm. noticed 2 people staring at me. one ah beng and one ah lian , namely fg and natalie respectively. =x did not know why they were staring at me la.. but nvm. lessons was alot tougher with subjects like geo , socialstudies , chem , physics. all new subjects. alot harder to handle it. but being the typical nicol. i did not care much about studies again. play alot this year! knew people like weizhuang jun hong waikiat mingting. and yes got to know natalie and fg. lol. also there was qiyi. who got promoted to 3e5 for scoring too well in his exams. haha. mean while in NCC i was promoted to coporal! woots. then went to specs course and got the 3rd sgt rank! =D starting to like NCC by then. as was able to 'control' people ma. haha. of course nice. always hearing ms toh shouting throughout the year la thanks to taizhang kai. haha. he is a bloody idiot la. haha. i think ms toh almost died because of him. anyway. thomas and junting is still in the same class as me! sec 3 gone very fast and soon end of it le..
failed sec 3 again. lol. had to meet vice principal. then promoted to sec 4 express.
sec , 4 2006
hmm. in a blink of an eye. i am at the last step of my journey. the o level year.form teacher was ms tracy. =DD a very very good one i my opinion. she SHOUTS at you so loud she can compare with ms toh. but yea. nevertheless she is a good teacher. hmm. broke up with yvonne this year on feb after one year 3 months this year. affected me alot. but this is when a group of people important to me appear out of no where..
the da jie da of our group la. decisions were made by her and she helps us etc etc. when she tio bully we were all there for her. haha. like the ' my father is rich your father is not' incident. haha. she is very good la! like a love consultant. =x
Feng Guang
the so called most matured guy in our group. of course la. his birthday first ma! okay la. he is a stupid guy. which does stupid thing like banging his head into objects for nothing. such as other people's head or the lass notice board. and he is so damn violent. never pick a fight with him as you wont win.. also a good advisor.
Ming Ting
biggest head among us! he needs no umbrella when it is raining. because he have his big head. haha. always kanna bullied by us because of his big head. hmm. he is always having alot of problems with his own life and always talk to me de. so our problems are shared between each other..
the yandao guy, lol. (not as if i not yandao ok!) but just that he is not as tall as most of us. this guy works hard in his studies but just fails at his chinese. lol. still a damn pervert since sec 1. lol. still the same during sec 4. jokes alot. talk as much rubbish as any of us. haha.
Han Zhong
haha. this guy. is a smart guy. in his studies. he seems like he is always playing. but he studies alot at home. his chemistry practical still top the class i think? anyway one of my dota teachers. haha. he introduced the game to me. and now i am hook on to it. blame him =x
Qi Yi
never trusts words from this guy. you will regret. this guy never say anything true before. lol. all that comes out of his mouth are just lies! another great joker.
Zi Cong
or gucci or chew baba as we like to call him. always tries to sound convincing. even when he really does not trust you. lol. one of natalie's favourites? lol. because natalie always bully him till he dulan and scolds us. lol
hmm. this guy spews alot of vulgarities =x but still he is a good friend to have. although we always make a joke out of him because he is a vegeterian , but i guess he is still alright with it. whenever something about vegeterian pops out. first one we talk about is him. even joke about him in dota. =x
Zhang Kai
okay this idiot. has to be the smartest guy among us. he is just too good in his studies. and he also got my dad down in sec 1 when i punched him. haha. he is the loudest guy among us and can never keep his voice down.
Jun Hong
haha, this once shy boy has now changed into a guy with an attitude. he sits behind me in class and is my entertainment object la. because i always bully him and make him angry. lol
Wei Zhuang
the shortest among us all. lol. nothign much to say about him just that he always laugh very loud.
aka jasmine. haha. she is the best girl friend i had la. (ther then natalie who is a guy to us)
she is always complaining about how some one treats her. and we always scold people together in msn. used to go to school with her and having breakfast together. but now no more le. haha. she is a great friend if u know her better. just that she uses alot of vulgar. haha. you better change ar butt.
and also not to forget people like fancy , edwin, waikiat ,wengxian , andrew and junting. and others who i may forget =x
hmm. sec 4 passes with me playing soccer after school alot and hanging at the mama shop after it. went to town most of the saturdays with them.. and i got the staff sgt rank in NCC! =D
on 19/9/06 patched with yvonne again. and we are living happily together now. =D
within this 4 years. it had been great having every single one of you guys in my life. thanks alot! especially to above who i have mentioned and all the great teachers who have thought me.. and here i am now. with 20+ more days to my o levels. haha. i wont let it be a gg day for me and there will never me a 'remake' day for me.
haha. such a long post~ dear lonely in msn le~ end here le.
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