Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I have been following the H1N1 situation in RP quite closely and I cannot help but feel outraged by the way MY school is handling the situation.

Let me explain the current situation to those who have no idea what is happening in my school right now. On 22nd June Monday, from as early as 10am there were rumors spreading through online communication platforms about students being infected with H1N1. No official statment was released till past 12 noon.

I do not understand why was there such a long delay in between for the officials of RP to come out with a statement informing the whole school about the current situation. This is a important situation and I do not think they could afford to keep this from us for that long. In that annoucement, we were told that the infected students were not in the campus since before 22nd June. Does this means that they had already known about the RP students being infected even before these rumours are spreading around?

2 days later after the annoucement was made , another one was sent out to all students. All year 1 students have had all their lessons suspended till the 1st of July. This was what really prompted me to be writing this now. The decision made was of no use at all seeing that only year 1 students are being taken off lessons. What would happen to the remaining students of the school. Does this mean we could afford catching the H1N1 instead of the year 1s? One of the reason RP stated in doing this was that the year1s students are the ones with the highest possibility of being in contact with the 3 infected students. But you see, the problem is RP is such a open campus that ANYONE could have had contact with the students instead of just the year1s. Most people have friends all over the campus. You could have met up with ANYONE during your breaks. Or even just being in the same lift as the infected students. Who knows that the students infected already had contact with someone else instead of just the year1s?

When the press asked RP on Monday to comment about the current situation, they said that they are awaiting word from MOH on whether classes should proceed. And said if they can't be held in campus, they would be held at home. From what I am seeing. The only thing I could infer was that the MOH only ordered the temporary closure of year 1 classes?

This step is total nonsense and would not be of any help in improving the situation at all. What RP should be doing was to order a complete stop to all lessons till the 1st of July at least. And make use of this prolonged break to improve on the safety measures in RP.And also to allow us students to have a peace of mind and also minimal risks of being infected with H1N1 in school for the next few days.

I'm writing this up not for the sake of the extra holidays I could get. But for the safety of myself, my friends in school and the people I would come in contact with else where. This would probably never fall into the hands of RP and thus not gonna be taken into serious consideration. But still, yea. Do something man.

p/s: Information from this blog entry are all taken from news updates RP is sending us students.

Monday, June 08, 2009


Stop being silly. Love you.

Friday, June 05, 2009

You have no idea the pain I have to go through everytime i try to kiss you, talk to you or even just try to give you my crooked grin. It's this motherfucking centimetre wide ulcer in my mouth that is causing all this. You do not fucking understand this pain at all probably because you have never been through it or if you do, there is someone understanding with you at that point of time. You take this as an excuse to everything that is not happening. And you blame me.


Thursday, June 04, 2009

If there could be a wish I can be granted now, it would be for us to work out. But such mere thoughts are not enough to fufill it. We need to put things into action baby. Let's work for it. And we would be able to get that happiness we are looking for in love.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Father's birthday

Just had dinner with my family. It is my father's birthday today. Not really something you can call a celebration because most families are having dinners together every night. But to my family, everyone is spending their time out from home most of the time that it is hard to even get together for a simple dinner.

Dinner was great with wonderful dishes by my mother. I commented on a certain dish which she had not cooked for years. And i reminded her of how long had it been since she cooked for us. But I was not blaming her. Because I was not there most of the time making it difficult for her to cook. Having to worry about if the food will still be fresh when I got back and if it will be finished up.

It's great having this kind of get together session with my family because it reminds me of how everyone is still there in the family and how important we are to each other.

Happy 57th birthday daddy. :)