Pictures from last friday's picnic with Johnson , Alston , Sherry , Pris and YY! We were required to each bring something for the picnic. I have totally no idea what to bring. So I just help out in making the fruit salad YY is making.

Does not look that great. But it taste great ok.

Alston's sticks and balls.

Priscilia & Sherry cookies

Johnson and his 3 packet of bread. -.-
Didn't take much pictures when the day was still bright as Johnson Alston and Sherry went to buy kites. So all the pictures are taken around 7+ in the evening. So rather dark okay. Anyway, they came back without the kites because they can't find anywhere selling them. :(

Help him take one shot. Since he keep helping us take :D

Our music for the evening.

Enjoy the salad only.

:D Fuck face :D

Fuck face :D


Sherry your mouth looks wrong.

And then everyone wanted to pose with the food they made.


And they don't let me take because they said i didn't make anything. :( But YY allows me to take. HAHA.



Stop scratching already.



We are all cool kids we wear Vans.
Shall end this picnic post with yy. HAHA.
